The following are some common queries raised by the GBM, as a response to this feedback form, about the online election process and SU elections 2021-22 in general.

Q. Is there a need for a Students’ Union?

A. Yes, there is a need for a Students’ Union. In the current situation, at the very least, they will serve as a channel to streamline the communication to the institute. Absence of such a channel would result in mass mailing and chaos, leading to the complete breakdown of a productive communication process.

The members of the GBM form the SU. To all those concerns that point a flaw in the SU, everyone is highly encouraged to either contest or to elect a representative whom you think would be an ideal office holder. It is of utmost necessity that any flaws in the existing structure, as perceived by those that expressed such concerns, should be actively worked upon(in form of contesting and voting) instead of holding a passive view about the same. The purpose of elections is to choose a candidate whom most people think is best fit to represent them.

Q. Would there be cheating?

A. The members of the EC have thoroughly verified the polling process and do not see any scope for cheating unless individuals fail to secure their mail accounts. For this case the EC can repeatedly remind the GBM to keep their accounts safe by keeping strong passwords.

If the GBM does find any scope for cheating, we request them to let the EC know of the same so that the EC may evaluate the same and rectify if necessary.

Q. What about the reservation for the girls in the batch rep structure?

A. While forming the batch rep structure, the exclusive need for female representation was discussed exhaustively. It was concluded that in the period for which the Batch Reps would serve (while the classes remain online for 2021-22), there was no exclusive need for a female representative as there are no hostel specific issues and hence no reservation was allotted. 

All members of the GBM irrespective of their gender may contest for the position of the  Batch Rep, President and General Secretary. 

Online mode has removed any disadvantages that existed in terms of girls not being able to campaign in the boys’ hostel or vice versa. Hence, by ensuring a fair platform, a reason to ensure reservation for a female in the current structure was not evident.

Q. How would candidates collect proof for manifesto points from the institute? 

A. The role of the EC is to provide a fair platform for the elections and since all candidates face the same issue, nobody would have any undue advantage in this respect. 

The GBM members would be requested to understand the constraints on the candidates this election.  However the candidates are expected to come up with manifesto points feasible and implementable in the current situation with proofs for the same.